Research and policy
At the beginning of the project, the partners conducted a desk and field research to inform ourselves and other key stakeholders in education and youth works on the state of mental health of young people today and on their needs, while examining gender sensitive approaches.
Based on our findings we developed national reports as well as transnational one.
Transnational report explains the differences found in each partner country regarding youth facing mental health issues and informs policy makers and youth workers on the importance of gender sensitive approach to youth mental health. Hopefully it also assists all key stakeholders in implementing efficient policies and strategies to address the issues and provide the needed support systems.
In our reports available below to download:
We analyze the research results with relevant and up-to-date information about the impact of Covid-19 on the youth’s mental health, focusing on gender differences
We present the good practices on policy and service level that support the mental health of young people
We introduce the key findings from the national researches
We identify the key gaps in the mental health provision identified through policy analyses and interviews
And we present the key policy and service framework recommendations
PR1: Policy Analysis and Recommendations on Youth’s Mental Health Gender Sensitive needs
A Policy document based on the desk research and field research in 4 partner countries, addressed to decision and policy makers, but also to the managers and experts in the field of youth mental health and youth education. It informs the key persons and youth experts on the importance of gender sensitive approach to youth mental health and help them tailor and implement efficient policies and strategies to address the issues and provide the needed support systems.
TraNsnational Report
National Road Map
Below you can also find other relevant recent researches
wdt_ID | Authors | Name of publication, year and publisher | Language of Publication |
1 | The Government of the Republic of Serbia | YOUTH STRATEGY IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA FOR THE PERIOD FROM 2023 TO 2030 2023., Belgrade |
English |
2 | / | Policy Recommendations, 2021. Regional Cooperation Council (Western Balkans Youth Lab Project) |
English |
3 | / | Impact of the COVID-19 on vulnerable groups and groups at risk - causes, outcomes and recommendations, 2020., Belgrade United Nations Human Rights Team and the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia |
English |
4 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | OECD/European Union (2022), Health at a Glance: Europe 2022: State of Health in the EU Cycle, OECD Publishing, Paris, | English and Synopsis in many Languages (Greek) |
6 | Dr Inês Pote Dr Saz Ahmed (reports compiled by) | What science has shown can help young people with anxiety and depression. Identifying and reviewing the 'active ingredients' of effective interventions: Part 1, Part 2 Wellcome Trust (2021) |
English |
7 | Bajkuša, M. et al | Field report - WE project - Work-Based Equality for LGBT+Q+ Youth (2021) Synthesis Report 2021 WE PROJECT |
English |
8 | The state of the World’s Children | The State of the World's Children UNICEF’s flagship report – the most comprehensive analysis of global trends affecting children |
English |
9 | The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Initiative | Ψυχική Υγεία Παιδιών και Εφήβων στην Ελλάδα: Ανάγκες και Προτεραιότητες, 7 July 2023, Athens Global Health Initiative | Greek and English |
10 | UNICEF Greece | Η Ψυχική Υγεία των Εφήβων και Νέων στην μετά COVID-19 εποχή, February 2023, Athens. UNICEF Greece | Greek and English |
11 | Vasiou, Aikaterini and Amdropoulou, Panorea | Vasiou, A., & Andriopoulou, P. (2023). University students’ mental health and affect during COVID-19 lockdown in Greece: the role of social support and inclusion of others in the self . Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 28(1), 253–263. | English |
12 | Miscioscia, M., Poli, M., Gubello, A., Simonelli, A., Gatta, M., Gato, J., & Rigo, P. | Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Italian LGBT+ Young Adults’ Mental Health: The Role of Neuroticism and Family Climate. (2022) | English |
wdt_ID | Authors | Name of publication, year and publisher | Language of Publication |
1 | The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Initiative | Ψυχική Υγεία Παιδιών και Εφήβων στην Ελλάδα: Ανάγκες και Προτεραιότητες, 7 July 2023, Athens Global Health Initiative | Greek and English |
2 | UNICEF Greece | Η Ψυχική Υγεία των Εφήβων και Νέων στην μετά COVID-19 εποχή, February 2023, Athens. UNICEF Greece |
Greek and English |
3 | Vasiou, Aikaterini and Amdropoulou, Panorea | Vasiou, A., & Andriopoulou, P. (2023). University students’ mental health and affect during COVID-19 lockdown in Greece: the role of social support and inclusion of others in the self . Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 28(1), 253–263. | English |
4 | Kelapostolou, Marina Lamprou, Maria Chatzimichali, Eleftheria | Sexual health of young people - Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of 18-25 year old persons. 16 June 2023, Athens. Hellenic Mediterranean University |
Greek |
wdt_ID | Authors | Name of publication, year and publisher | Language of Publication |
1 | Jokić Begić, N. i sur | Preliminarni rezultati istraživačkog projekta Kako smo? Život u Hrvatskoj u doba korone. (2020) Odsjek za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu | HR |
2 | Jokić, B. i Ristić Dedić, Z. | Nacionalno praćenje učinaka pandemije Covid-19 i potresa 2020. na organizaciju obrazovnih procesa i dobrobit učenika i odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika u Republici Hrvatskoj (2021), Institut za društvena istraživanja | HR |
3 | Group of authors, Udruga DELTA, | Presudi stigmi: istraživački izvještaj o zadovoljstvu mladih načinom učenja o mentalnom zdravlju u srednjoj školi | HR |
4 | Doc. dr. sc. Marina Štambuk, Udruga Dugine obitelji, Udruga Lezbijska organizacija Rijeka "LORI" | Iskustva i potrebe mladih LGBTIQ osoba (2022). Lezbijska organizacija Rijeka "LORI" | HR |
5 | Mateo Štrbić | Otpornost na stres kod LGB osoba (2020) | HR |
6 | Doc. dr. sc. Jasminka Juretić, Ines Jakovčić, univ. spec. psych., Udruga LORI | LGBTI Ravnopravnost na radnom mjestu (2017). Prostor rodne i medijske kulture K-zona | HR |
wdt_ID | Authors | Name of publication, year and publisher | Language of Publication |
1 | Živanović, M., Vukčević Marković, M., Dimoski, J., Gvozden, M. | Mentalno zdravlje u Srbiji: Procena potreba, faktora rizika i barijera u dobijanju stručne podrške 2022., Beograd Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Link |
Serbian |
2 | Ranisavljev Kovačev, S. | Analiza zastupljenosti problema mentalnog zdravlja mladih u Novom Sadu uz uključivanje rodne perspektive 2022., Novi Sad Centar za pružanje emotivne podrške i prevenciju samoubistva “SRCE” Link |
Serbian |
3 | Vlada Republike Srbije | Strategija za mlade u Republici Srbiji za period od 2023. do 2030. godine 2023., Beograd Link |
Serbian |
4 | / | Uticaj pandemije korona virusa na populaciju mladih u Srbiji 2020. Centar za podršku ženama Link |
Serbian |