
Forum for Freedom in Education
Forum is a well-recognized civil society organisation active for the last 30 year in Croatia, working on improving education by raising standards, implementing innovations and supporting children and youth and professionals that are working directly with them. It is guided by the principles of choice and equal access to education that enables the self-realisation of a person.
Forum’s innovative, high-quality programmes (teaching advancement, civic and health education, personal and social competencies and improvement of school management) provide support to teachers and schools, children and youth, university lecturers and professionals working with children and youth in the educational and the social welfare systems.
The goals of Forum’s programmes are achieved through professional training seminars and educational activities, studies and analyses, campaigns and creative competitions, as well as through direct work with teachers and schools. Publishing plays an important role in disseminating best practices by way of compendia and other publications available on the organisation’s web site.
Marina Brkić

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre is a leading NGO with more than 43 years of experience in supporting vulnerable people through the provision of social services, implementation of social initiatives, education, research and development of know-how on social policy issues. The organisation designs and implements impactful initiatives, aiming to make a difference in tackling the ongoing challenges in a globalized world.
Epameinondas Koutavelis

Centre for youth work (CZOR)
Centre for youth work (CZOR) is organization from Novi Sad (Serbia). We work on implementing planned, systematic and professional youth work and believe that young people are a resource of our society and should be equal partners in building the local community. Beside empowering young people to take responsibility for themselves and constructive roles in the development of sustainable communities, we also work on capacitating youth service providers on how to use youth work methodology and advocate for improvement of public policies affecting children and youth. Our main areas of expertise are protection of rights of young people to grow up healthy in an alcohol-free environment, prevention of social exclusion and increasing employability of young people with fewer opportunities. As a local organization, CZOR is one of the founding members of National association of youth work practitioners of Serbia and OPENS Association – the implementator of Novi Sad European Youth Capital for 2019.
Dajna Marinković

Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”
Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” is a non-profit organisation composed by youth and adults. Our main field of interest is education. Our organisation born from the educational and working experience of the great pacifist Danilo Dolci and his collaborators that operated in Trappeto and Partinico, two small towns near Palermo, and in all the region of Sicily. Through popular self-analysis, nonviolent fight, meetings that involved thousands of people, it was possible to create the conditions for a real change and development. The first organisation created by Danilo and his collaborators was constituted in the 50’, the Centre for Studies and Initiatives, and its main aim was to promote the social, economic, cultural and educational development at local and regional (Sicily) level. After this centre transformed in the Centre for Creative Development that had the main aim of promote the reciprocal maeutic approach (innovative approach developed by Danilo Dolci) in schools and educational institutions and train teachers and educators in this innovative and human methodology of education. After Danilo’s dead, in 1998, the organisations becomes to be called Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”.
Katarina Vuksan