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Welcome to the part that is dedicated to everyone who wants to hear experts’ and young people’s stories about mental health, and also share their experiences or find out where to find help and support regarding mental health questions, problems or issues.

Within this space you will find 3 different parts:

Audio Podcasts


Help and support

Audio podcasts with young people, youth workers and other educators working with young people and/or MH topics

Hello, here you can find audio podcasts on mental health topics. These podcasts are created with the help of young people, youth workers or educators from Croatia, Serbia, Greece and Italy and all of them have subtitles in English. You will have an opportunity to learn more about their experience, opinion and situation in their country.

Milica Lekić – Youth worker

TranscriptionEN: Welcome to Let's Talk, with you are Milica and Nora, youth workers of the Center for Youth Work, and today we will talk about the importance of mental health of young people, precisely from our perspective as youth workers. Well, Milica, what is your...

Angela Shkembi – Assistant

TranscriptionEK: Hello! My name is Epameinondas Koutavelis, and I am a project manager for Let’s Talk. Today, we will discuss the youth’s mental health with Angela. Angela, thank you for being here with us. Would you like to introduce yourself? AS: Hello! Thank you...

Daniel Milošević – Psychologist working with youth

TranscriptionS: Hi Daniel, thank you for coming to us today, for giving us your insights as an expert and as a young person. I would just like to start by asking you to briefly introduce yourself. D: Thank you Sara for the invitation and thanks to everyone who...

Shu – Psychologist and youth worker

TranscriptionK: Hi, welcome to the audio podcast of the LETs TALK project. Shu: Hello to you. I am Shu, I am 28 years old and I am a nonbinary person. I use both male and female pronouns but prefer neutral ones. In life I have a background in psychology, one day I...

The space where you can share your story anonymously

Hello, here you can share your own story about your life, experience you have within the topic of mental health, something that helps you when you deal with your problem or just read the stories of others.

It is an anonymous space. Sharing your story can help you feel better for simply sharing, but also can help others to recognize that we all deal with some problems in our lives.

Share your story
Please, write a short description for your story

The light

When I lost my brother this year, I thought there was no way out because I was very attached to him and all those memories we made together are gone now – they have become nothing but precious memories that will make me laugh and that will make me cry bitterly because I know that there is no more…

Believe me, it was hard and I was falling apart day by day thinking that it wouldn’t get better. But then my best friend who I met when I was only 7 years old came to my door. That night when she came I knew that I could still see a way out of all this that oppresses me. That way out was her, my support to whom I could confide from the day we met until today…

She kept coming to my house every night after school, despite all the school duties she set aside time to come and support me.

You are not alone and when you think you are, you always have someone by your side whom you can confide in and who will always give you a hand when you need it most. Don’t be afraid to say what you feel and what depresses you, because you are not alone – confide in your mom, a friend, to a brother, sister or school pedagogue, to anyone you consider very close because believe me so you will feel free and it will be easier.

I believe that you are strong and that you will manage to fight and try to move on. You have to, you are not alone, say what hurts you because there are those who can really help and ease the pain you feel.

I’m not afraid

I felt agitated, I couldn’t function normally, I had chaos in my head, a lot of thoughts that I couldn’t catch. Physically, it was fatigue and panic in certain situations. Also, I had no motivation for anything, I couldn’t go to school, follow the schedule, the routine I had before. I felt very anxious, losing concentration, overwhelmed and terrified at the thought of going to school. Then the panic attacks started and I was very afraid to go to school. At that time, I started high school, so I explained it all with the fear of a new school, but later I saw that it wasn’t just that. When I started the 2nd grade, I was better, and thought that everything was getting better, but then I got scared again and it was all tiring and discouraging. It wasn’t until the end of the school year that I felt the difference and saw that it was better for me to go to school.

I’m fine now, but in certain situations I still feel anxious.

What has helped me and what still is helping me to get through all this is talking about it with my psychologist – therapist. When I couldn’t function normally it helped me to stay at home, but on the other hand it was hard to be alone with my thoughts, so talking to a therapist helped a lot, together with learning with her certain steps to get used to panic attacks and learn to deal with them. What also helps is having few friends in my class that know about my situation, they understand and empathize with me and are a great support.