Support Contacts for Youth’s Mental Health
24hour WOMEN’s SOS phone helpline, shelters and Support Centers. It is run by the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality (government body) and is funded by ESPA 2014-2020..
Founded: 2011
- Target group: victims of any kind of gender based violence, with a greater focus on women.
- Accessibility: Support is provided through a 24hour helpline and/or personal counseling in shelters and support centers throughout Greece.
- Aim: The helpline provides information and psychological support to victims of all forms of gender-based violence, while Support Centers provide psychosocial and legal support.
- EU level: National Level.
- Mental health service providers: psychologists, social workers, legal advisers.
- Sustainability: It is being implemented at the moment.
Phone: 15900
Phone: 2131511102-103
Fax: 210 3315276 – 210 3231316
E-mail: info@isotita.gr / sos15900@isotita.gr
Address: Dragatsaniou 8 , 105 59 – Athens
Website: https://womensos.gr/15900-24ori-tilefoniki-grammi/ / https://womensos.gr/contact-us-3/
Direct social support assistance line 197. The helpline has been operated by the National Center for Social Solidarity – EKKA (government body) since 2011 and is funded by the Greek government.
Year of establishment: 2011
Description of good practice:
- Target group: vulnerable population in need of urgent psychological and social support, people in danger and victims of natural and other disasters.
- Accessibility: support is provided through a 24-hour helpline.
- Purpose: The hotline provides emergency counseling and psychological support, social welfare information, mobilizes and coordinates the mechanisms for immediate social interventions, makes referrals to the other Units and Services of the EKKA network, and maintains a data recording system and a system of available services.
- Field of application: National level.
- Mental Health Service Providers: Psychologists, Social Workers, Government Officials.
- Sustainability: currently applicable.
Phone: 197
E-mail: epikoinonia@ekka.org.gr
Address: Vasilissis Sofias 135 & Zacharof Athens, p.c. 115 21
Website: https://www.ekka.org.gr/index.php/el/tilefonikes-grammes
National Child Protection Line 1107. The line is managed by the National Center for Social Solidarity – EKKA (government body).
Year of establishment: 2012
Description of good practice:
- Target group: minors, adolescents, and parents.
- Accessibility – support is provided via a 24-hour helpline.
- Purpose: The Line provides counseling, psychological and social support to minors and parents, information on issues related to the upbringing of children and child protection, and refers to the relevant Social Protection Services. The line also receives requests and reports of minors at risk who are experiencing a crisis or engaged in illegal acts.
- Field of application: National level.
- Mental Health Service Providers: Psychologists, Social Workers.
- Sustainability: it is being implemented at the moment..
Phone: 1107
E-mail: epikoinonia@ekka.org.gr
Address: Vasilissis Sofias 135 & Zacharof Athens, p.c. 115 21
Website: https://www.ekka.org.gr/index.php/el/tilefonikes-grammes
Overcoming Youth – Supporting trans Youth. Implemented by Colour Youth -Athens LGBTQ Youth Community.
Year of establishment: 2018
Description of good practice:
- Target group – young trans people and non-cisgender people (not identified with the gender of birth).
- Accessibility – support groups in person.
- Purpose – The program aims to provide legal and psychological support to young people on the procedures for legal gender recognition and medical gender transition and to create a safe space for all young transgender people.
- Field of application – local level (Athens).
- Mental health service providers – volunteers.
- Sustainability: It continues to be implemented voluntarily.
Phone: +30 6945583395
E-mail: info@colouryouth@.gr
Address: Sachtouri 3, Psiri, p.c.: 10553
Website: https://www.colouryouth.gr/contact/
Help line for psychosocial support of COVID-19 – 10306. It is run by the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and 40 mental health organizations and NGOs.
Year of establishment: 2020
Description of good practice:
- Target group: persons experiencing psychosocial difficulties due to COVID-19 and quarantine regimes.
- Accessibility: support is provided through a 24-hour helpline.
- Purpose: The helpline is aimed at providing psychological interventions, psychopharmaceutical adaptations, and referrals to social services for people suffering from mental health problems caused by the pandemic.
- Field of application: national.
- Mental health service providers: psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists.
- Sustainability: Implemented at the moment, funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (private institution) and the Ministry of Health..
Phone: 10306
Website: https://10306.gr/